Honors for Center for Children and Families

The Center for Children and Families is actively responding to consultation requests from selected community agencies and projects relevant to the Center mission. Barbara Blanchard-Lewis, JD, Staff Associate in the Center has been selected to receive the 2011 Emily Fenichel Award bestowed by New York Zero to Three organization to acknowledge "unsung heroes" whose work meets the needs of infants, toddlers and their families. Ms. Blanchard was selected for her current work with the Center including consultation to a novel co-parenting support program offering triadic mental health support to incarcerated mothers, their children in the community, and their alternate community caregivers. This experience follows Ms. Blanchard-Lewis' many previous years dedicated to program development for incarcerated mothers. The Center has also provided consultation to an independent videographer, Jennifer McShane, to support development of her film, "Mothers of Bedford". The film has just been accepted by the Toronto Film Festival for showing in April 2011. Congratulations to Barbara, Jen, and the Center for these unique recognitions.

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