October 2023 Publications, Presentations, Awards, and Other News
Leon Chen was among the authors of “Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Program for Critical Care Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants in an Oncological Intensive Care Unit and Rapid Response Team,” published in Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Ruth Masterson Creber was among the authors of “Usability Study of Using Interactive 360⁰ Video-Based Virtual Reality for Teaching Adult Basic Life Support,” published in Resuscitation.
Amanda Hessels was among the authors of “Infection Preventionists in Public Health, Consultant and Academic Roles: Results from the 2020 APIC MegaSurvey,” published in American Journal of Infection Control.
Kasey Jackman, PhD ’17, was among the authors of “Dance Movement Therapy for Black Womxn: A Content Analysis,” published in The Arts in Psychotherapy.
Haomiao Jia and Rebecca Schnall, PhD ’09, were among the authors of “Do Walk Step Reminders Improve Physical Activity in Persons Living with HIV in New York City? Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial,” published in Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.
Phoenix Matthews was among the authors of “Developing a Mission Statement to Reflect the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Values and Priorities of a College of Nursing,” published in Journal of Professional Nursing.
Rebecca Schnall, PhD ’09, was among the authors of “Understanding Physical Activity Determinants in an HIV Self-Management Intervention: Qualitative Analysis Guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior,” published in JMIR Formative Research.
Jingjing Shang, Patricia Stone, and Andrew Dick were among the authors of ”Was COVID-19 Associated with Worsening Inequities in Stroke Treatment and Outcomes?” published in Journal of the American Heart Association.
Arlene Smaldone, PhD ’03, and Jean-Marie Bruzzese were among the authors of “Electronic Cigarette Use and Academic Performance Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Scoping Review,” published in Academic Pediatrics.
Yihong Zhao was among the authors of “Relative Brain Age Is Associated with Socioeconomic Status and Anxiety/Depression Problems in Youth,” published in Developmental Psychology.
Maryam Zolnoori and Maxim Topaz were among the authors of “ADscreen: A Speech Processing–Based Screening System for Automatic Identification of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia,” published in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
Gregory Alexander presented “Digital Maturity in Facilities That Care for Older People: International Considerations” at the National Aged and Community Care Vendor Forum, a virtual national presentation, on September 27, 2023, from Australia.
Maureen George presented “Preferences for Asthma Decision-Making: Focus Groups with Low-Income and Racial and Ethnic Minority Adults in Safety-Net Primary Care Settings,” at the European Respiratory Society International Congress, held September 9–13, 2023, in Milan, Italy.
Ashley Graham-Perel presented “Colloquium for Nursing History and Anti-Racism Affirmation” at the American Association for the History of Nursing’s 40th Annual Nursing and Health Care History Conference, held September 28–30, 2023, in Pittsburgh; “Color Me Capable: The Rise of African-American Faculty at Lincoln School for Nurses,” sponsored by Georgetown University’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, at Georgetown University School of Nursing on October 4, 2023, in Washington, DC; and “Bernardine Mays Lacey: An Oral History of a Leader,” at the American Academy of Nursing’s Health Driving Policy Conference, held October 5–7, 2023, in Washington, DC.
Tonda Hughes presented “Sober Curiosity and Other Alcohol Reduction Interventions with Sexual Minority Women” to the Glasgow Caledonian University Substance Research Group in Glasgow, Scotland on September 20, 2023; and “25 years of Research on Sexual Minority Women’s Health” at the University College Dublin School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Systems, on September 27, 2023, in Dublin, Ireland.
Kellie Bryant delivered The Debra L. Spunt Memorial Lecture, sponsored by Laerdal Medical, on “Preparing the Next Generation of Health Equity Advocates,” at the National League for Nursing’s 2023 Education Summit: Extraordinary Nurse Educators Leading in Extraordinary Times, held September 28–30, 2023, in Washington, DC.
Karol DiBello was named a Senior Faculty Teaching Scholar by Columbia University’s Office of the Provost on October 1, 2023.
Maureen George received the Outstanding Founders Award from the Association of Asthma Educators at their Reaching New Heights in Asthma Education: 25 years: The Sky’s the Limit Annual Conference, held August 3–5, 2023, in Big Sky, Montana.
Other News
Gregory Alexander co-authored “Digital Maturity in Aged and Community Care: The Current State and Resources Required,” released in August 2023, and "Understanding the Positioning of the Digital Aged Care Workforce: Final Report,” released in September 2023. The unpublished reports were sponsored by the Australian Digital Health Agency and the Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council, Australia, using a contextualized version of Alexander’s 2017 Digital Maturity Survey.
Nancy Reame served as a scientific screener for the magazine panel of the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards on September 18, 2023.