Student-Led Innovation: Highlights from Scholars’ Day
On October 25, 2023, Columbia University School of Nursing hosted its second annual Scholars’ Day. Organized by the Office of Scholarship and Research Development, the event showcased the work of PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, and academic-practice research fellows to the school community through a poster session and six brief oral presentations (“blitz”).
Scholars' Day also featured a keynote presentation from Suzanne Bakken, PhD, RN, Alumni Professor at Columbia Nursing and professor of biomedical informatics at Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons. Her presentation, "Got Community? Reflections on the Relevance of Community Engagement to Informatics and Data Science Innovations," emphasized why community perspectives should be considered when designing and implementing health informatics and data science innovations to increase health equity.
This year, 20 posters were presented, and a panel of Columbia Nursing faculty evaluated and scored each based on content. Four posters were honored at a closing reception:
- 1st Place Best Poster: Amy McMenamin, PhD student
- 2nd Place Best Poster: Ji Won Lee, postdoctoral fellow
- 3rd Place Best Poster: Christine DeForge, postdoctoral fellow
- Best Blitz Presentation: Sarah Harkins, PhD student
2023 Scholars’ Day Posters
Christine DeForge, postdoctoral fellow, “Surrogate Experiences Around End-of-Life Decision-Making in the ICU After Cardiac Arrest”
Justinna Dixon, PhD student, “Methodology of a Social Network Survey of Teams in Patient Centered Medical Homes”
Jung “Chloe” Kang, PhD student, “Examining Differences in Timely Goals of Care Discussions in Nursing Homes for Black and Hispanic Residents by Region”
Stephanie Niño de Rivera, research staff, “Perspectives of Research Participants Regarding the Updated NIH Data Sharing Policy”
Christianna Pepingco, research staff, “Differences in Diagnosis Location of Atrial Fibrillation of Black and LatinX Adults with Heart Failure Compared to White Adults”
Sarah I. Leonard, PhD student, “Weight Discrimination and Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors in Early Adolescence”
Danica Dorlette, PhD student, “Cancer Treatment Delays in Adults who are Vulnerably Housed – A Scoping Review”
Bridget Morse-Karzen, research staff and PhD student/postdoctoral fellow, “Trends and Disparities in Post-Acute Care Services after MJR in the United States from 2000-2022: A Systematic Review”
Mollie Hobensack, PhD student, and Jennifer Withall, postdoctoral fellow, “Understanding the Technical Implementation of a Clinical Decision Support SmartApp: A Qualitative Analysis”
Ji Won Lee, postdoctoral fellow, “Healthcare Utilization after a Deprescribing Intervention among Hospitalized Older Adults Transitioning to Post-Acute Care”
Ashley Chastain, research staff, “Home Healthcare Staff Experiences with Care Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Sarah E. Harkins, PhD student, “A Scoping Review of Interventions and Evidence-Based Programs in the Postpartum Period to Reduce Maternal Morbidity in the United States”
Keely Wise, research staff, “A Research Protocol: Implementing Mixed Mode Survey Recruitment Methods to Maximize Response Rates among U.S Nursing Homes”
Danielle Ramsey, Academic-Practice Research Fellow, “Understanding Nurses’ Perception of Sternal Wound Infection”
Shalom Omollo, research staff, “Preferences for Sharing Personal Health Data Considering Trust in Medical Researchers”
Amy McMenamin, PhD student, “A Systematic Review of Outcomes Related to Nurse Practitioner-Delivered Primary Care for Multiple Chronic Conditions”
Madison Horton, PhD student, “Contribution of Advanced Practice Nurses to Health Service Utilization, Access to Care, and Costs Globally: A Scoping Review”
Zidu “Miranda” Xu, PhD student, “GAT-SIM: A Patient Similarity Network Combined with Graph Attention Network for Home Healthcare Hospitalization or ED Visits Risk Prediction”
David Lopez Veneros, PhD student, “Functional Co-Clustering of Physical Activity Patterns Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults”
Eunice Yang, PhD student, “By How Much Should Insulin be Decreased on Dialysis Days for Patients with Diabetes Undergoing Hemodialysis? A Systematic Review”