Summer Courses and Spring 2020 Semester Grading Process
Dear Nursing Students,
I want to commend you all for your resilience and flexibility during this difficult and unstable time. As the COVID situation continues to evolve, we will need to continue to adapt our professional and personal lives. These are times fraught with ambiguity and urgency--creating a difficult balance.
Although we cannot predict the trajectory of the pandemic, we can estimate that, as a school of nursing, will not be resuming “business as usual” this summer. Given the uncertainty that surrounds us, the priority of health and safety for the Columbia community, and after considering all the options, we think the best course of action for the summer term is to continue to offer all courses remotely. I know that this will be a challenge and a disappointment for all of our students in our clinical programs as we are obligated to postpone the precious clinical assignments. I am confident we will collectively find viable solutions, not as substitutes but as alternative experiences.
Program Directors, Assistant Deans, and I are working on adapting the summer semester to an online format. Also, every effort is being made to maintain the credit allocation for each semester so as not to have a negative impact on financial aid. Your Program Director will keep you updated regarding any revisions to your program plan.
Clarification on the excerpt below re: grading policy for Spring 2020 in President Bollinger’s communication on March 20.
…And, further, with respect to courses, working with each of your schools, we have decided that all classes this semester will be graded pass/fail. This, of course, does not reflect a reduction in expectations, but rather an acknowledgment of the severe complications of this unusual moment.
The policy has been clarified. Pass/Fail grading is a university-wide mandate; it is final and without exception. A text will be applied to all transcripts indicating that the grading Pass/Fail was mandated by the University for the Spring 2020 semester.
Despite the severe circumstances, you have all been remarkable in maintaining balance in this unsteady time, being flexible and adaptable in a rapidly changing situation. Keep up the great work and together, we move forward.
Judy Honig, EdD, DNP, CPNP, PMHS, FAAN
Dorothy M. Rogers Professor of Nursing at CUMC
Vice Dean, Academic Affairs and Dean of Students
Judy Wolfe, Ed.D.
Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Columbia University
School of Nursing