Jingjing Shang, PhD, FAAN
- Professor of Nursing at CUMC

My research focuses on infection control, home health care, predictive risk modeling, nursing workforce, health quality, patient safety, and oncology nursing. The main focus of my program of research seeks to understand how best to promote quality patient outcomes and improve nursing services in the home health care setting.
Academic Appointments
- Professor of Nursing at CUMC
- Mandarin
- Female
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- PhD, John Hopkins University
- MSN, University of Delaware
- BS, Peking Union Medical College (Beijing, China)
Committees, Societies, Councils
- 2010- Northern Nursing Research Society
- 2010- Academy Health member
- 2009- Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science membership
- 2001- Oncology Nurse Society
- 2000- Sigma Theta Tau International
Honors & Awards
- International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
- 2010-2011 Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)/American Nurse Foundation (ANF) Scholar
- 2009 First place, Pre-doctoral research contest, New Investigator Day, Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing
- 2007-2009 American Cancer Society (ACS) Doctoral Scholarship in Cancer Nursing
- 1995 First class Academic award, Peking Union Medical College
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator (Contact) with Patricia Stone
Funding Organization: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
Funding: $3,378,520
4/18/2022 - 1/31/2026
Grant #: 2R01NR016865
- Effectiveness of Strategies to Improve Outcomes after Hospitalization for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Older Adults (SILVER)
Role: Site Principal Investigator
Funding Organization: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Funding: $1,874,830
3/1/2022 - 2/28/2025
Grant #: R01HL160822 - Disparities in Infection in Home Health and Patients/Caregivers' Perceptions (Dis-Infection in HHC)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Organization:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Funding: $2,443,775
9/3/2021 - 8/31/2026
Grant #: R01 HS028637 - ImpAct of COVID-19 on CaRe TransitiOns and Health OutcomeS for Vulnerable PopulationS in Nursing Homes and Home HealthCARE (ACROSS-CARE)
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator (Contact) with Patricia Stone
Funding Organization: National Institute of Aging (NIA)
Funding: $1,999,052
9/1/2021 - 4/30/2025
Grant #: R01AG074492 - Center for Improving Palliative Care for Vulnerable Adults with MCC (CIPC)
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator with Patricia Stone
Funding Organization: National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR)
Funding: $2,268,158
8/8/2018 - 5/31/2023
Grant #: P20NR018072 - Improving Ethical Care for Patients who are Incapacitated with No Evident Advance Directives or Surrogates (INEADS)
Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Organization: National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR)
Funding: $284,481/year
Grant #: R21 NR019319
Selected Publications
- Song, J., Topaz, M., Landau, A., Kiltzman, R., Shang, J., Stone, P.W. McDonald, M.V., & Cohen, B. (2022) Using Natural Language Processing to Identify Acute Care Patients Who Lack Advance Directives, Decisional Capacity, and Surrogate Decision Makers, PLOS ONE 17(7): e0270220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0270220
- Carter, E.J., Shang, J., George, M., DeForge, C., Mackson, G., Stone, P. (Accepted) Nursing Home Residents’ Experiences and Perceptions of Antibiotic Use: A Qualitative Study. American Journal of Infection Control
- Murali, K.P., Kang, J.A., Bronstein, D., McDonald, M.V., King, L., Chastain, A.M., Shang, J.* (Accepted) Measuring Palliative Care Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Confidence in Home Healthcare Clinicians, Patients, and Caregivers: A Systematic Review. Journal of Palliative Medicine
- Glance, L.G., Dick, A.W., Shippey, E., McCormick, P.J., Dutton, R., Stone, P.W. Shang, J., Lustik, S.J., Lander, H.L., Gosev, I., Maddox, K.E.J. (Accepted) Association Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Insurance-Based Disparities After Major Surgery in US Adults. JAMA Network Open
- Shang, J., Harrison, J.M., Dick, A.D., Chastain, A.M., Stone, P. (2022) Influenza Vaccination for Home Health Care Workers and Patient Hospitalization. American Journal of Infection Control. 50(4): 369-374. Featured in APIC
- Harrison, J.M., Dick, A.D., Madigan, E., Furuya, E.Y., Chastain, A.M., Shang, J.* (2022) Urinary Catheter Policies in Home Health Care Agencies and Hospital Transfers due to Urinary Tract Infections. American Journal of Infection Control.
- Woo, K., Song, J., Adams, V., Block, L., Currie, L., Shang, J., Topaz, M. (2022) Exploring Prevalence of Wound Infections and Related Patient Characteristics in Homecare Using Natural Language Processing. International Wound Journal. 19(1):211-221. PMID: 34105873, PMCID: PMC8684883
- Levy, N., Cheung W.Y., McDonald, H., Banez, M.C., Shang, J., Stone, P. Sun, C. (2021) Symptom Management in Chinese Adults with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Applied Nursing Research. PMID: 35307124, PMCID: PMC8941188. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2021.151549
- Perera, U.G.E., Dick, A.W., Chastain, A.M. Stone, P.W., Shang. J.* (2021) The Effects of Home Health Value-Based Purchasing on Home Healthcare Quality: A Comparative Interrupted Time-Series Analysis, 2012-2018. Medical Care Research and Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/10775587211049628 PMID: 34609233, PMCID: PMC8980113
- Harrison, J.M., Dick, A.D., Stone, P.W., Chastain, A.M., Sorbero, M., Furuya, E.Y., Shang, J.* (2021) Infection Trends in Home Health Care, 2013-2018., Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology.42(11):1388-1390 PMID: 34766902
- Song, J., Woo, K., Shang, J., Ojo, M., Topaz, M. (2021) Predictive Risk Models for Wound Infection-Related Hospitalization or ED Visits in Home Health Care Using Machine-Learning Algorithms, Advances in Skin & Wound Care.34(8):1-12. PMID: 34260423
- Estrada, L.V., Cohen, C., Shang, J. Stone, P.W. (2021) Community-based Advance Care Planning Interventions for Minority Older Adults: A Systematic Review.Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 47(5):26-36
- Cohen, B., Sanabria, E., Liu, J., Zachariah, P., Shang, J., Song, J., Calfee, D., Yao, D., Larson, E. (2021) Predicting Healthcare-associated Infections, Length of Stay, and Mortality with the Nursing Intensity of Care Index. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/ice.2021.114 PMID: 33858546
- Russell, D., Dowding, D., Trifilio, M., McDonald, M.V., Song, J., Adam, V., Ojo, M., Shang, J.* (2021) Individual, Social, and Environmental Factors for Infection Risk among Home Health Care Patients: A Multi-Method Study. Health & Social Care in the Community. 29(3):780-788. PMCID: PMC8084932
- Woo, K., Adams, V., Wilson, P., Fu, L., Cato, K., Rossetti, S. C., McDonald, M., Shang, J., Topaz, M. (2021) Identifying urinary tract infection-related information in homecare nursing notes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association PMID: 33434568
- Shang, J., Chastain, A.M., Perera, U.G.E., Dick, A.W., Madigan, E.A., Pogorzelska-Maziarz, M., Stone, P. (2021) Prior to COVID-19: The State of Infection Prevention and Control at Home Health Agencies in the United States. International Journal of Nursing Studies Mar;115:103841. PMCID: PMC7940586
- Wang, J., Ying, M., Temkin-Greener, H., Shang, J., Caprio, T., Li, Y. (2021) Utilization and functional outcomes among Medicare home health recipients across living situation.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 69(3):704-710. PMID: 33271638
- Adams, V., Song, J., Shang, J., McDonald, M.V., Dowding, D., Ojo, M., Russell, D., (2020) Infection Prevention and Control Practices in the Home Environment: Examining Enablers and Barriers to Adherence among Home Health Care Nurses. American Journal of Infection Control. 49(6): 721-726.PMCID: PMC8093314
- Dowding, D., McDonald, M.V., Shang, J.* (2020) Implications of a US study on infection prevention and control in community settings in the UK. British Journal of Community Nursing.25(12):578-583 PMID: 33275506
- Pogorzelska-Maziarz, M., Chastain, AMangal, S., Stone, P., Shang, J.*(2020) Home Health Staff Perspectives on Infection Prevention and Control: Implications for Coronavirus Disease 2019. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(12):1782-1790.e4. PMCID: PMC7584445
- Dowding, D., Russell, D., McDonald, M.V., Trifilio, M., Song, J., Brickner, C., Shang, J.* (2020) “A Catalyst for Action”: Factors to Consider for the Implementation of a Clinical Risk Prediction Model for Infection in Home Care Settings. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 28(2):334-341. PMCID: PMC7883974
- McDonald, M.V., Russell, D., Liu, J., Woo, K., Brickner, C., Larson, E.L., Sridharan, S., Dowding, D., Adam, V. Shang, J.* (2020) Observation of Hand Hygiene Practices in Home Health Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.07.031 PMCID: PMC7490582
- Shang, J., Wang, J., Adam, V., Ma, C. (2020) Risk factors for Infection in home health care: analysis of national Outcome and Assessment Information Set data. Research in Nursing and Health. 43:373-386. DOI: 10.1002/nur.22053
Shang, J., Chastain, A.M., Perera, U.G.E., Quigley, D.D., Fu, C.J., Dick, A.W., Pogorzelska-Maziarz, M., Stone, P. (2020) COVID-19 Preparedness in U.S. Home Health Agencies. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. [Epub ahead of print]. PMCID: PMC7269929
- Dowding, D., Russell, D., Trifilio, M., McDonald, M.V., Shang, J.* (2020) Home Care Nurses' Identification of Patients at Risk of Infection: A Qualitative Interview Study. International Journal of Nursing Studies.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103617
- Shang, J., Russell, D., Dowding, D., McDonald, M.V., Murtaugh, C., Liu, J., Larson, E.L., Sridharan, S., Brickner, C. (2020) A Predictive Risk Model for Infection-Related Hospitalization among Home Healthcare Patients, Journal of Health Quality. 42(3):136-147. PMID: 32371832
- Needleman, J., Liu, J., Shang, J., Larson, E., Stone, P. (2020) Inpatient Nurse and Nursing Support Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality. BMJ Quality and Safety. 29(1):10-18. PMID: 31391314
- Dick, A.W., Murray, M. Chastain, A.M., Madigan, E., Sorbero, M., Stone, P.W., Shang, J.* (2019) Measuring Quality in Home Healthcare. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. 67(9):1859-1865. PMCID: PMC6732006
- Osakwe, Z.T., Larson, E., Andrews, H., Shang, J.* (2019) UTI-related hospitalization among older adults receiving home health care services. Journal of American Infection. 47(7):786-792. PMID: 30772048.
- Osakwe, Z.T., Larson, E., Andrews, H., Shang, J.* (2019) Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) of Home Health Care Patients. Home HealthCare Now. 37(3):165-173 PMCID: PMC6506182
Wang, J., Liebel, D.V., Yu, F., Caprio, T.V., Shang, J.*. (2019) Inverse Dose-Response Relationship between Home Health Care Services and Rehospitalization in Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20(6), 736-742
Shang, J., Needleman, J., Liu, J., Larson, E., Stone, P. (2019) Nurse Staffing and Healthcare Associated Infection, Unit-level Analysis, JONA. 49(5), 260-265
Liu, J., Larson, E., Cohen, B., Zachariah, P., Caplan, D., Shang, J.* (2019) Comparison of Measures to Predict Mortality and Length of Stay in Hospitalized Patients, Nursing Research, 68(3), 200-209
Woo, K., Shang, J., Dowding D. (2018) Patient factors associated with the initiation of telehealth services among heart failure patients at home. Home Health Care Services Quarterly. 37(4), 277-293
Russell, D., Dowding, D., McDonald, M., Adams, V., Rosati, R., Larson, E., Shang, J.* (2018) Factors for Compliance with Infection Control Practices in Home Health Care: Findings from a Survey of Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes towards Infection Control, American Journal of Infection Control. 46(11), 1211-1217. PMCID: PMC6215520
Ma, C., Park, S. H., Shang, J.* (2018) Inter- and Intra-Disciplinary Collaboration and Patient Safety Outcomes in U.S. Acute Care Hospital Units: A Cross-Sectional Study, International Journal of Nursing Studies.85, 1-6
Shang, J., Dick, A., Stone, P., Larson, E. (2018) A Research Agenda for Infection Prevention in Home Healthcare, American Journal of Infection Control. 46(9), 1071-1073. NIHMS966261
Hessels, A.J., Liu, J., Cohen, B., Shang, J., Larson, E. (2018) Severity of Illness Measures for Pediatric Inpatients, Journal for Healthcare Quality. 40(5), e77-e89
Ma, C., Shang, J., Miner, S., Squires, A.P. (2018) The Prevalence, Reasons, and Risk Factors for Hospital Readmission among Home Health Care Patients: A Systematic Review, Home Health Care Management & Practice
Larson, E.L., Cohen, B., Liu, J., Zachariah, P., Yao, D., Shang, J. (2017) Assessing Intensity of Nursing Care Needs Using Electronically Available Data, Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 35(12), 617-623
Osakwe, Z. T., Larson, E., Mansi A., Shang, J.* (2017) Assessment of Activity of Daily Living (ADL) among Elderly Patients in Home Health Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities: An Integrative Review, Home Healthcare Now. 35(5), 258-267
Wang, J., Shang, J., Jia, H., Kearney, J. (2016) The critical association between mental health disorders and medical status: Depression intervention use indicates a two-fold risk for medical events in older American home care patients, Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 42(10): 42-55
Wang, J., Kearney, J., Jia, H., Shang, J.* (2016) Mental health disorders in the national elderly home care population of the U.S.: Prevalence and correlates, Nursing Research. 65(2):107-16.
Ma, C., Shang, J., & Bott, M. (2015) Linking Team Collaboration and Nursing Leadership to Nurse Outcomes and Quality of Care. Journal of Nursing Administration. 45(9):435-42
Wang, J., Shang, J., Kearney, J. (2015) A Mental Health Disorders in Home Care Elders: An Integrative Review, Geriatric Nursing. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2015.10.013
Cohen, C.C., Shang, J.* (2015) Evaluation of Conceptual Frameworks Applicable to the Study of Isolation Precautions Effectiveness. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 71(10):2279-92
Cohen, C.C., Cohen B., Shang, J.* (2015) Effectiveness of Contact Precautions against Multidrug-resistant Organism (MDRO) Transmission in Acute Care: A Systematic Review of the Literature. The Journal of Hospital Infection. 90(4):275-84
Shang, J., Stone, P., & Larson, E. (2015) Studies on Nurse Staffing and Healthcare Associated Infection: Methodological Challenges and Potential Solutions. American Journal of Infection Control. 43(6): 581-588.
Shang, J., Larson, E., Liu, J., & Stone, P. (2015) Infection in Home Health Care: Results from National Outcome and Assessment Information Data. American Journal of Infection Control. 43(5). 454-59
Hagerty, T., Kertesz, L., Schmidt, M., Agarwal, S., Claassen, J., Mayer, S., Larson, E., Shang, J.* (2015) Risk Factors for Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections in Critically-Ill Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 47(1), 51-54
Ma, C., Shang, J., & Stone, P. (2014) Can Nurse Work Environment Influence Readmission Rates? - A Systematic Review. Nursing: Research and Reviews. 4, 91-101
Shang, J., Ma, C., Poghosyan, L., Dowding, D., Stone, P. (2014) The prevalence of infections and patient risk factors in home health care: A systematic review. American Journal of Infection Control. 42(5), 479-84 PMID: 24656786
Shang, J., You, L., Ma, C., Altares, D., Sloane, D.M., Aiken, L.H. (2014) Nurse Employment Contracts in Chinese Hospitals: Impact of Inequitable Benefit Structures on Nurse and Patient Satisfaction. Human Resources for Health. 12:1
Wenzel, J., Griffith, K., Shang, J., Thompson, K., Hedlin, H., Stewart, K., DeWeese, T., & Mock, V. (2013) Impact of a Home-based Walking Intervention on Outcomes of Sleep Quality, Emotional Distress, and Fatigue in Patients Undergoing Treatment for Solid Tumors. Oncologist. 18:4.
Aiken, L., Shang, J., Xue, Y., & Sloane, D. (2013) Hospital Use of Agency-Employed Supplemental Nurses and Patient Mortality and Failure to Rescue. Health Service Research. 48:3.
Shang, J., Friese, C., & Aiken, L. (2013) Nursing Practice Environment and Outcomes for Oncology Nursing. Cancer Nursing. 36:3.
Shang, J., Wenzel, J., Krumm, S., Griffith, K., & Stewart, K. (2012). Who Will Drop Out and Who Will Drop In: Exercise Adherence in a Randomized Clinical Trial Among Patients Receiving Active Cancer Treatment. Cancer Nursing. 35:4.
McHugh, M., Shang, J., Sloane, D.M., Aiken, L. H. (2011). Risk Factors for Hospital-Acquired 'Poor Glycemic Control': A Case-Control Study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23 (1) 44-51
Lake, E. Shang, J., Klaus, S., Dunton, N. (2010). Organizing nursing resources to reduce the risks of patient falls. Research in Nursing & Health, 33 (5) 413-425
Patrician, P., Shang, J., Lake, E. (2010) Organizational Determinants of Nurse Work Outcomes and Quality Care Ratings among Army Medical Department Registered Nurses. Research in Nursing & Health, 33 (2) 99-110
Griffith, K., Wenzel, J., Shang, J., Thompson, C., Stewart, K., Mock, V. (2009). Impact of a Walking Intervention on Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Self-reported Physical Function, and Pain in Patients undergoing Treatment for Solid Tumors. Cancer, 115 (20) 4874-488
For a complete list of publications, please visit PubMed.gov