The following publications include works reporting on collaborative research produced using data obtained from studies listed among the research portfolios of teams that are members of the HDRI.
- State Policy Change and Organization Response: Expansion of Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice in New York State
Poghosyan L, Ghaffari A, Jin H, Liu J, Martsolf G. Nursing Outlook. (2021) - Physician-Nurse Practitioner Teamwork in Primary Care Practices in New York: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Poghosyan L, Ghaffari A, Liu J, Friedberg MW. Journal of General Internal Medicine. (2020) - Organizational Support for Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care and Workforce Outcomes
Poghosyan L, Ghaffari A, Liu J, McHugh MD. Nursing Research. (2020) - Mental Health Delivery in Primary Care: The Perspectives of Primary Care Providers
Poghosyan L, Norful AA, Ghaffari A, George M., Chhabra S, Olfson M. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. (2019) - Nurse Practitioner Practice Environments in Primary Care and Quality of Care for Chronic Diseases
Poghosyan L, Norful AA, Liu J, Friedberg MW. Medical Care. (2018) - Clinician Burnout: New Times, Old Issue
Poghosyan L. Nursing Economics. (2018) - Transformational Leadership to Promote Nurse Practitioner Practice in Primary Care
Poghosyan L, Bernhardt J. Journal of Nursing Management. (2018) - Practice Environments and Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions of Nurse Practitioners: Implications for Primary Care Workforce Capacity
Poghosyan L, Liu J, Shang J, D’Aunno T. Health Care Management Review. (2017) - Social Networks in Health Care Teams: Evidence from the United States
Poghosyan L, Lucero RJ, Knutson AR, Friedberg MW, Poghosyan H. Journal of Health Organization and Management. (2016) - Nurse Practitioner Autonomy and Relationships with Leadership Affect Teamwork in Primary Care Practices: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Poghosyan L, Liu J. Journal of General Internal Medicine. (2016) - Maximizing Nurse Practitioners’ Contributions to Primary Care Through Organizational Changes
Poghosyan L, Aiken LH. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. (2015) - Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers: Creating Favorable Practice Environments in New York State and Massachusetts
Poghosyan L, Shang J, Liu J, Poghosyan H, Liu N, Berkowitzf B. Health Care Management Review. (2015) - Revisiting Scope of Practice Facilitators and Barriers for Primary Care Nurse Practitioners: A Qualitative Investigation
Poghosyan L, Nannini A, Smaldone A, Clarke SP, O’Rourke N, Rosato B, Berkowitz B. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice. (2013) - Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Organizational Climate Questionnaire
Poghosyan L, Nannini A, Finkelstein SR, Mason E, Shaffer JA. Nursing Research. (2013)