
About the Study

The mChoice study aims to improve Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake and adherence among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) receiving care at one of four clinics in New York, NY and Birmingham, AL. Participating clinics include: Columbia University Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Group, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, Birmingham AIDS Outreach, and University of Alabama at Birmingham 1917 Clinic. YMSM participants will start or continue either daily oral, 2-1-1, or injectable PrEP regimens. All participants will receive access to the CleverCap app and pill bottle to help track medication adherence, receive reminders, and view HIV and PrEP information and videos. Participants will complete a total of six visits over a period of 18 months. They will have access to the CleverCap app and device until their 12-month follow-up. At each visit, participants will take a survey and discuss their PrEP regimen with study staff. Participants who report taking tenofovir or emtricitabine containing PrEP will complete urine samples at each visit.

MSM participants can receive up to $350 in incentives throughout an 18-month study period.

For Participants 

  • Type of study (in-person vs. remote): In-person
  • List inclusion criteria
    • 18-39 years of age;
    • Male sex assigned at birth;
    • Identify as male, non-binary or genderqueer;
    • Understand and read English or Spanish;
    • Using or initiating PrEP;
    • Owns a smartphone;
    • Has had sex with a man within the past 12 months;
    • Lives in the NYC or Birmingham, AL area.1
  • Exclusion criteria
    • Person has HIV infection;
    • Not currently taking and not initiating PrEP;
    • Unable to provide informed consent due to severe mental or physical illness or substance intoxication at the time of enrollment;
    • Currently enrolled in any other PrEP-related research study;
    • Planning to leave the NYC/Birmingham, AL area in the next 12 months

For Researchers

The mChoice study will also provide training to providers at participating clinics through a series of PrEP video training modules. They will take pre- and post-assessment in addition to completing all video modules. Providers will also be asked to participate in an in-depth interview. A representative from each study site will also complete a clinic assessment tool every 6 months throughout the 3 year study period. Participating providers can receive up to $150 in incentives throughout a 6-month period.

mChoice: Improving PrEP Uptake and Adherence among Minority MSM through Tailored Provider Training and Adherence Assistance in Two High Priority Settings
516 W 168th St. 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10032
United States